Holy Angels provides specialized, care for children and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities and delicate medical conditions. Holy Angels is a nonprofit organization that depends on the support of others to provide the highest quality of medical, educational, vocational, spiritual, and emotional support. Some of the requested items may seem cumbersome on your holiday budget, so we encourage several families to get together and split the cost of the larger items. For example, an iPad in the hands of a resident becomes a means of communication, allowing them independence. Please visit the website at http://www.holyangelsnc.org for more information.
Holy Angels, located in Belmont, N.C., provides specialized, round-the-clock care for children and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities and delicate medical conditions. Holy Angels is a nonprofit organization that depends on the support of others to provide the highest quality of medical, educational, vocational, spiritual, and emotional support and healing. This year’s Angel Tree donations will assist Holy Angels as they strive to provide each individual with the highest quality and dignity of life. The items are used in the daily care, routine, as well as therapeutic activities. Some of the requested items may seem cumbersome on your holiday budget, we encourage several families to get together and split the cost of the larger items. For example, an iPad in the hands of a resident becomes a means of communication and allows them to become more independent. For more information regarding Holy Angels, please visit the website at http://www.holyangelsnc.org.
If you would like to help with the Angel Tree organizing and planning efforts this year, please contact Monica Bailey in the office at 704-549-1607 x207 or by emailing volunteers@stacharlotte.com. Thank you for your prayerful consideration as we begin this year's Angel Tree Efforts. More information can be found in upcoming week's bulletins leading up to the Angel Tree collections beginning Thanksgiving weekend.