Our STA Share Sunday Ministry supports many areas of need in our community!
This ministry focuses on collecting food, toiletries, and paper goods donations on the first weekend of every month in the mindset of: Place Others First on the First Weekend of Every Month.
The Share Sunday bin is available in the narthex of St. Thomas Aquinas Church every weekend. Donations will be accepted in the parish office during weekdays.
If you are able to share, please consider bringing a donation with you to Holy Mass and place it in the Share Sunday bin in the Church narthex. Every item makes a difference!
Charity is a learned virtue taught to us through the hearts and hands of our loved ones: If you have children or grandchildren in Religious Education, the Share Sunday Ministry can provide a great opportunity to have them feel that they are participating in sharing by donating on their own. Please consider placing a non-perishable item in their hands on their way to class. You will be placing much more than a donation into their hands. Let's have our children share in the satisfaction that helping returns.
See below to see the various types of items that we are needed
Pouched or Canned Tuna/Chicken
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Instant Oatmeal/Grits
Canned Sausage and/or Chili
Jell-O and Pudding Cups
Cracker Snacks
Cereal and Cereal Bars
Boxed Juices or Chocolate Milk
Microwaveable Pastas,
and Soups
Microwave Popecorn
Canned Goods
Paper Products
Not Just Food Donations are needed!
There is a need for other items as well...
Why Donate?
Something so simple as bringing a donation to Holy Mass can truly be looked at as a gift to families in need.
Over the years, donations from our STA family have become anticipated and greatly appreciated. The little effort donating to a food pantry takes is well worth the personal satisfaction that helping returns. Help any way you can! We can all make a difference for a family or neighbor in need.
As with all first Sundays of the month, please place the items you would like to donate in the Share Sunday bin in the narthex of St. Thomas Aquinas Church.
Most of our donations are given to
The Missionaries of the Poor in Monroe. Since its founding, the Missionaries of the Poor have received both papal and episcopal approval for their work and constitutions. Today, the order has over 550 brothers serving in nine missions around the world.
Anyone wanting additional information on contributions or needing help with how to coordinate a food drive in their office or community can contact the Share Sunday Coordinator Ray Haywood at: fsjjourneymen@gmail.com