Information can be found in our Religious Education Handbook.
Education of the faith begins at home in the “Domestic Church”. The parents are the primary teachers of faith. St. Thomas Aquinas offers classes for every grade 1-9, teens and adults to help foster a growing faith. We also provide opportunities for each person to receive the Sacraments and grow in greater communion with our Lord.
Grades 1 - 9
Religious Education at St. Thomas Aquinas is rooted in Sacred Scripture. It is faithful to the Tradition of the Catholic Church and guided by the Holy Spirit. Our program is centered on the Person of Jesus Christ, inviting relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This program encourages a living faith within the Domestic and Universal Church.
Built and grounded on the four pillars of the Catholic Faith (Creed, Liturgy and Sacraments, Commandments, and Prayer) our program uses the six tasks of catechesis (which are to promote: knowledge of the faith, Liturgy and Sacraments, Morality, Prayer, Community/Mission of the Church, and how to be active Christian members of society) to teach the children their Catholic Faith. Please see the specific curriculum listed in the front of the Religious Education Handbook.
Sacramental Preparation
Entering a Sacramental year is a time of great reflection and meaning. It is a special time in the life of a family. All Sacramental preparation classes require two years of Religious Education instruction.
For more detailed information about our Religious Education program, guidelines and procedures, please consult our Religious Education Handbook.
There are two ways to register for Religious Education.
You can fill in this on-line form, or come to the office and receive a copy of the paper form to pay by cash.
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
Attn: Religious Education
1400 Suther Road
Charlotte, NC 28213
If you are in need of financial assistance, please contact the Religious Education office.