Our behavior in Church has an effect on other people. In charity, we need to be sensitive to each other and provide a good example. Not only that, we are coming to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass first and foremost to give God due honor and worship.
Please be on time.
Please stay until Holy Mass has ended, i.e. when the priest processes from the church (And really, if possible in your circumstances, and if you would like your reception of Holy Communion to be of value, for some time afterward to make an appropriate act of thanksgiving to Our Lord for coming to you in Holy Communion).
Please dress appropriately and modestly (see below for more on this)
Please use the Cry Room when needed for young children. Please keep in mind that this is not a place to let your children play and run around. It is for a mother/father to take the child that is having difficulty behaving, or making it difficult for those in the pews to participate in Holy Mass. Weather permitting, you are also welcome to take the child outside. Do not use the Narthex for this purpose. The Adoration Chapel is right next to the Narthex, and it is far too noisy for those in the adoration chapel to pray.
Church is not a place to catch up with friends, or socialize. It is a place to pray. It is wonderful to connect with other parishioners, friends, and family - please do so in the courtyard after Holy Mass.
Please enter and exit the Church quietly before and after Holy Mass so people are able to pray without distraction.