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Mass Times

Holy Day of Obligation Mass Times

(please check Calendar or Bulletin)

Sacrament of Confession

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday: 6-7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 4-5:00 p.m.
Or by making an appointment with the Parish Office (704) 549-1607 ext. 210

Eucharistic Adoration

  • Perpetual Adoration Chapel: Sign up here to commit to regular weekly hour-long commitments, or to be a substitute adorer! (The chapel officially opened on Friday, September 1, 2023).
  • Thursdays: 6-6:45 p.m. with Benediction
  • 1st Fridays: 7-8:00 p.m Divine Mercy Holy Hour
  • Saturdays: 4-5:00 p.m. with Benediction
  • 1st Saturdays: 8:30-9:30 a.m. Holy Hour of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (The Sacred Heart of Jesus said to St. Margaret Mary: "Make reparation for the ingratitude of men. Spend an hour in prayer to appease Divine justice, to implore mercy for sinners, to honor Me, to console Me for My bitter suffering when abandoned by My Apostles, when they did not watch one hour with Me.")

Miraculous Medal Novena

  • Monday following the 8:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Holy Masses

Holy Rosary

  • Respect Life Rosary: Thursday, 6:15 p.m. in the Church (prior to Holy Mass)
  • Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet for Our Priests & Religious and Increase in Vocations: Saturday, 9:15 a.m. in the Church.
  • Rosary for Vocations: Saturday, 4:50 p.m. in the Church.
  • Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory: Sunday, 4:20 p.m. in the Church.

Holy Mass Etiquette

As a place set apart for the worship of Almighty God, out of due reverence for the Lord, and respect for those worshipping with us, we ask the following for those who come here to pray...  The two videos below are highly recommended for all parishioners, and all those who visit our parish to watch.

  • Regarding How We Act: Modesty in External Actions

    Our behavior in Church has an effect on other people. In charity, we need to be sensitive to each other and provide a good example.  Not only that, we are coming to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass first and foremost to give God due honor and worship.

    Please be on time.

    Please stay until Holy Mass has ended, i.e. when the priest processes from the church (And really, if possible in your circumstances, and if you would like your reception of Holy Communion to be of value, for some time afterward to make an appropriate act of thanksgiving to Our Lord for coming to you in Holy Communion).

    Please dress appropriately and modestly (see below for more on this)

    Please use the Cry Room when needed for young children.  Please keep in mind that this is not a place to let your children play and run around.  It is for a mother/father to take the child that is having difficulty behaving, or making it difficult for those in the pews to participate in Holy Mass.  Weather permitting, you are also welcome to take the child outside.  Do not use the Narthex for this purpose.  The Adoration Chapel is right next to the Narthex, and it is far too noisy for those in the adoration chapel to pray.

    Church is not a place to catch up with friends, or socialize.  It is a place to pray.  It is wonderful to connect with other parishioners, friends, and family - please do so in the courtyard after Holy Mass.

    Please enter and exit the Church quietly before and after Holy Mass so people are able to pray without distraction.

  • Regarding How We Dress; Modesty in Attire

    Generally, we should be guided by a combination of virtue, common sense, and piety when deciding what to wear for  the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Below are some guidelines to follow when deciding how to dress for Holy Mass, and when forming your children to do so.  

    Different cultural and climate norms notwithstanding, and with the assumption that Our Lord is always pleased when we come, and that there are always exceptions, the following are as a general rule not the most fitting or proper attire for Sunday Mass, and many of them for Daily Mass either:

    • Dresses/skirts that do not completely cover the knees when sitting or standing
    • Skimpy shorts, in fact, shorts of any kind
    • Beachwear
    • Dresses and tops that are tight-fitting, provocative, low-cut, bare midriff or sleeveless
    • Dresses or tops with spaghetti straps, with plunging necklines, that expose the bare shoulders or bare-back, or that are see-through
    • Dresses or skirts with high slits
    • Flashy clothing
    • Casual Clothing
    • Jeans & T-shirts
    • Any outfits with large logos or distracting messages
    • Pajamas or sweatsuits
    • Athletic Wear (the Church is not a place to come dressed for a workout)
    • Flip flops, sneakers or beach sandals
  • A Challenge To Men

  • Dress, Demeanor, Discipline Show how We Value Holy Mass, by Bishop Robert Vasa

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