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Sacred Music at St. Thomas Aquinas

Our Roman Catholic tradition teaches us the two-fold purpose of sacred music: the glorification of God and the edification of the faithful. It also reminds us of the two dimensions of sacred music: it must be sacred (i.e. having a sacred text) and it must be art. We do our best to embody these tenets in our sacred music program here at St. Thomas by grounding ourselves in the living musical tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. The end of all of our efforts is to offer the finest gift of music to Jesus Christ, High Priest, in His Divine Liturgy. The result has been a dramatic growth in our sacred music program over the last several years.

Chant, polyphony, and high quality choral music are regular offerings at St. Thomas both in English Novus Ordo liturgies and at our weekly Sunday morning and Thursday night Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form. We fully engage our congregation by publishing a weekly worship leaflet regularly featuring the chanting of the Propers of the Mass (as commanded by the Second Vatican Council), fine hymnody, and service music. As directed by Church custom and teaching, the organ is used to accompany the liturgy and to render solo repertoire.

Whether as an avid listener or as an active participant, you are most welcome to be a part of the following musical ensembles at St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Anyone interested in singing or supporting our work is asked to please contact Mara DeLuca or  see her after any weekend liturgy.

St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Choir

The English choir sings for the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays. Practice is at 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. We sing hymns, simple English chant, and choir pieces.

St. Thomas Aquinas Children's Choir

The STA Children’s Choir is open to children in 2nd–8th grade. We have three rehearsal time options: Mondays from 1:15-2:15 pm, Tuesdays from 5:45-6:45 pm, and Fridays from 10:30-11:30 am. We sing once a month for the 9:30 am Mass. We also sing occasionally for the 7 pm Thursday Extraordinary Form Mass and 10 am First Saturday Mass.

The children’s choir focuses on building excellent vocal technique and choir skills. We sing music in both English and Latin, as well as Gregorian chant.

Each rehearsal includes choir training for 3rd-8th graders using the Voice for Life program, a graded program that uses workbooks to develop vocal technique and musicianship, as well as choir skills and music theory.

There is no cost to participate in children’s choir, but we ask that families pay $8 per child (3rd-8th grade) to cover the cost of the workbooks. If you need assistance with this fee, please let us know.


Our cantors provide a valuable leadership ministry in both facilitating congregational song and solo singing in the Liturgy (e.g. Responsorial Psalm).

A good voice and music-reading ability are needed to fully embrace this role.

Schola Aquinatis

The documents of the Second Vatican Council clearly state that Gregorian chant is to be given pride of place in the Liturgy. The St. Thomas Schola Aquinatis sings Gregorian chant as well as polyphonic choral music at our 11:30 a.m. and Thursday night Latin Masses in the Extraordinary Form (7 p.m). We rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 7-9. We welcome new members; music reading ability is required. Free instruction is given in reading the ancient chant notation (neumes).

Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form

Each Sunday at 11:30 a.m. and Thursday evening at 7 p.m., as well as First Saturdays, Latin Mass in the Extraordinary Form is celebrated at St. Thomas Aquinas Church. The Latin Mass, so ancient and yet so new, affords us an opportunity to sing sacred polyphony and chant on a regular basis. Masses of Palestrina, Byrd, Victoria along with other repertoire representative of the millennium of Roman Catholic sacred music are sung on a regular basis by the Schola Aquinatis of St. Thomas.

Solemn High Mass: St. Thomas Aquinas in May 2015!

Mass in A Major by Antonio Caldara in a new performing edition by Thomas F. Savoy. Sung at Solemn High Latin Mass for Ascension Thursday, May 5, 2016

O Salutaris Hostia

by Pierre de la Rue

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