According to the 1983 Code of Canon Law “The extraordinary minister of Holy Communion is a member of the Christian faithful designated according to the norm of Canon 230. This function is to be an extraordinary minister commissioned in the absence of or in addition to the ordinary (bishops, priests and deacons) ministers. They are commissioned to distribute Holy Communion to the faithful.”
If a member of the faithful here at St. Thomas Aquinas Church desires to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, they must fulfill certain criteria before they are commissioned. That is, they must be a:
1) Baptized Catholic, registered in this parish,
2) Catholic in good standing with the Church,
3) Outstanding in Christian life,
4) Must believe in God,
5) Seek to serve the people of God in their times of need,
6) Receive comprehensive instruction
7) Submit to a Background Check
Once a person has completed the training, which is offered every quarter during the year, the applicant’s data sheet is presented to the pastor for approval.
After the approval process, the person will be commissioned for a period of three years and that person is delegated to this particular parish only. You are asked at the end of the third year to recommit. The names of those trained and approved are submitted to the Bishop’s office on a yearly basis.
We ask that you commit to a particular Holy Mass for scheduling purposes; although, once approved you may serve at any Holy Mass. A quarterly schedule is made up by the Liturgical Ministry Coordinator and you will be asked to serve when scheduled. If a conflict arises you are asked to find a substitute to fill in for you. All your communication will be through the Liturgical Ministry Coordinator. Depending on the Holy Mass time, you may be asked to serve twice a month.
We ask that you do not serve in two ministries at a particular Holy Mass. In an emergency, exceptions are made by the presider.
There are special liturgies during the year: Easter, Christmas, 1st Holy Communion, Confirmation, etc. when a special request would go out for the assistance of ministers due to the increased number of parishioners at these liturgies.
Due to the sacredness of the ministry we ask that the ministers come to Holy Mass anticipating the need to serve even if not scheduled so that they would be dressed accordingly. “The encounter requires a reverent demeanor and appropriate clothing”, Guide for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion” LTP page 39.
A detailed data sheet, as well as the Consent for the Background Check form, is completed at the time of the training session.
Contact Liturgical Ministry Coordinator Deacon Joe Diaz.