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A Message from Fr. Codd

I want to share with you some wonderful news! The Diocese has approved our request to start a project that has long been on my heart. It has three parts: The Renovation of the Choir Loft, The Expansion of our Narthex, and the Upgrading of our Church Lighting.

The Choir Loft: The choir loft was initially part of the original plan when the church was built in 1995, but at the time, the funding was not sufficient for this, so it was not done. Currently, the choir loft does not have sufficient load bearing for the weight of our new organ, or for our choir members. This project will resolve this, allowing our choir loft to support the weight of a pipe organ and choir.

The Narthex: As part of necessary construction for the renovation of the choir loft, our small narthex will be enlarged and beautified. This will allow for some soundproofing for our Perpetual Adoration Chapel, some additional storage, and significantly more space for fellowship after Mass!

Church Lighting: In addition, our lighting has been in sore need of upgrading for some time. This project will also answer this need, providing not only better lighting, but in a more beautiful way.

It is my hope that you will be as generous as possible — both in prayer, and in financial support according to your means — in helping us to do this beautiful and practical thing for God and for our parish family, now and into the future.

Fr. Codd

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