The soundboard ministry supports the music and worship by ensuring appropriate volume levels and minimizing feedback and other disruptions. Another important aspect of this ministry is the recording of the homilies. People working the Soundboard need to arrive at least 15 minutes before the Holy Mass they are serving at to ensure proper operation of the system. Throughout the service, it is important to anticipate the need to turn mikes on and off and to adjust the volumes. This ministry is not only required for Sunday Holy Mass but also for other special liturgies throughout the year.
To participate as a soundboard minister, you must be a registered parishioner of St. Thomas Aquinas Church and submit to a Background Check, as required by the diocese of all volunteers. You will receive comprehensive training on the use of the particular sound board, mikes and monitors. All ministers are asked to adhere to our Liturgical Ministers Dress Code.
We are in need of volunteers to control the Sound Board at the 5:30pm Saturday Evening Holy Mass. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Deacon Joe Diaz. This is a great way to serve the parish during the Holy Mass you regularly attend!