The Usher Ministry is designed to offer a warm welcome to all our parishioners and our visitors. Ushers are responsible for a few things before, during, and after Holy Mass include the offertory collection, helping to seat the congregation, handing out bulletins and assisting with special needs. Note: This does not mean that you will be unable to sit with your family during Holy Mass - only that you will be needed to serve at various points before, during, and after.
Being an usher provides a wonderful opportunity for an individual or family to become more actively involved in our liturgy and assist with Holy Mass. It is also a great way to meet members of the parish.
How to Join:
To become an usher an individual or family must meet the qualifications listed, complete a Registration Form and attend an usher training session.
For more information contact: Deacon Joe Diaz.
Q. Who is eligible to serve as an usher?
A. Any registered member of St. Thomas Aquinas is eligible to serve as an usher.
Q. Is there an age requirement to serve as an usher?
A. Confirmation age youth are encouraged to assist.
Q. How often would I serve as an usher?
A. A quarterly usher schedule is distributed prior to the start of each calendar quarter. The number of times a person is scheduled to serve depends upon the overall number of ushers currently signed up for each Holy Mass.
Q. Do I have to serve at all the Holy Masses on any given Sunday?
A. No. Ushers are asked to select one Holy Mass that they attend regularly and are scheduled to serve only for that specific Holy Mass time.
Q. Do I need to serve during the holiday or special Masses?
A. Many people travel during the holidays so volunteers are solicited for all the holiday and special Masses.
Q. What if I am scheduled to serve, but am unable to attend that Holy Mass for some reason?
A. All ushers receive a current contact list of all the other ushers so they can contact someone to swap or fill in for them in the event they cannot attend when they’re scheduled.
Q. If I am also a Reader or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, is scheduling done across the different ministries to avoid schedule conflicts?
A. It is not possible at this time to coordinate schedules across the different ministries. If you are scheduled for multiple ministries for the same Holy Mass, decide which ministry you will serve and follow the guidelines for obtaining a substitute for the other ministry.
Q. Is there any formal training required?
A. Yes. Formal training is required and provided for new ushers. The frequency varies depending on when and how many new people join the ministry.
Q. How do I sign up to become an Usher?
A. The first step in joining the usher ministry is to contact the Liturgical Ministry Coordinator. Second, complete the Usher Registration form and, finally, attend an usher raining session.