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What to do after High School

Do you know what you Our Lord is calling you to in life?  What is your Vocation with a big "V," and what is your vocation with a small "v?"  Your Vocation is the path to holiness that God has created for you, as the easiest and surest way to get to Heaven, which is the final goal for all of us. 

The world will tell you "Work hard, go to college, get a good education and a good job, and you will be happy and successful."  But this is not necessarily what God created you for, and it may not even be true that if you work hard, get a good education, and a job, that you will be successful, and happy. 

The only way that we as human persons can be truly happy is when we fulfill the will of God for our lives.  For you, college may be part of this.  Or it may mean joining the seminary or consecrated religious life.  Or it may mean getting a job.  Or it may mean learning a trade.  Or it may mean taking some time to do mission work.

All along the way of all these is the most important question: 
"Lord God, what do You want me to do?"

Priesthood &/or Consecrated Religious Life for Men

Have you asked yourself whether or not you might be called to the priesthood?  More info

Consecrated Religious Life for Women

Have you asked yourself whether or not God might be calling you to become a religious sister?  More info


Top Reasons to choose one of the Newman Catholic Colleges:

  1. Faithfulness to the Church
  2. Solid Liberal Arts tradition that teaches analysis, not just facts, figures, and ideology
  3. Community of Prayer that fosters healthy relationships with peers
  4. Availability of the Sacraments, including regular Mass and Confession
  5. Focus on the "Whole Person" formed by Christ rather than by the world

Regardless of whether you choose a Catholic school or not, being Catholic means the Faith must inform every part of your life.  If you are looking at non-Catholic schools, or Catholic schools not on the Newman list, thinking about this, and including this in your decision making process should be of highest importance.  Many state schools have outstanding Newman Centers, or Catholic Campus Ministry Centers.  Make this a part of your discovery process when looking at schools.  For example, Texas A&M University has one of the highest numbers of vocations to the priesthood and religious life coming out of their college's Catholic center, and students are very solidly formed in their Catholic faith there. Our own parish has a vibrant Catholic Campus Ministry which is growing every year.

More on the Newman Catholic Colleges here.

Another Important Thing to Consider:  If you are not able to go to a solid Catholic college or university, along with looking for one with a vibrant Catholic Campus Ministry, look for one that has FOCUS Missionaries on campus. FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) is a vibrant nationals group of missionaries who help young people stay connected and go deeper in their faith during their time at college.

Catholic Trade School

University is not for everyone, but the Faith is, and the dignity of work is.  Perhaps learning a trade is something that you feel called to.

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